Personal TrainingPersonal Training

Personal Training in Ellensburg

G(Grit) S(Strength) F(Family)

Personal Training

Here at Garage Studio Fitness we begin the personal training journey with an in-depth 50-minute consultation where we utilize tools such as our In Body Scan and postural assessment(s) to identify which areas of your body need the most attention. In this assessment we take a deep dive on topics such as workout history, health history, past and present roadblocks, and current goals so we can provide the support and structure you need.

We honor that everyone is unique, and we each possess our own strengths and limitations. Our trainer’s program to address your specific needs to get you moving and feeling your best as we progress you towards your goals. Our staff of personal trainers have years of experience and a broad range of certifications specializing in functional strength training, bodybuilding, corrective exercise/rehabilitation, mobility, nutrition, heart disease, weight loss, athletic performance, and body composition analysis.

Our trainers are full of passion and aim to provide you with quality training while informing and educating you along the way. We are here to provide accountability and support you in your unique health and fitness journey.

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